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Модификации для GTA: San Andreas


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Помогите информацией где можно найти два мода для GTA SA, если кто кинет ссылочки буду благодарен.


1Мод-работающие автозаправки.

2Мод-реальные дорожные знаки.


Заранее благодарен!


Посматри на 11 странице.Мод называется Black 2 Realiti

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Где можно скачать такой мод (на заднем плане)


2MIB, сенк...

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Где можно скачать такой мод (на заднем плане)


Или это

BMW Autohaus

Или это

BMW Showroom

Я точно непомню какая и PnS заменяет

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Пришло время сменить реактивный ранец на новый


Рыцарям джидаям посвящается Lichtschwert


На последок вполне нормально переделаный СиДжей


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Ранец и меч джедая отпадные вещи.Кто еще не скачивал,скачайте не пожалеете=)
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оригинал лучше

Конечно лучше :wink: а этот мод лучше чем раньше был - в котором просто яркость покрутили и все :spiteful: , ну из белых самый прикольный на данный момент это Tony Montana сконверченый из игры Scarface :good:
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Нашел мод Superhero In San Andreas Mod. В нем новые скины героев , новые графити в стиле Супермэна, скины девушок(ИМХО, уродливые :fool: ), загрузочные экраны, а самое главное чувак ( только в костюме Супермэна) УМЕЕТ ЛЕТАТЬ, быстро бегать, обладает пирокинэзом, взрывает все вокруг взглядом и другое.

Super Mod :) (чтобы скачать надо зарегиться, заливать никуда не разрешают).

P.S. Еще лучше скачать скин СиДжея , чтоб он при переодевании не был Франкенштейном :wink:White\Vampir Skin

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Project -OBLIVION-


Мод меняет оригинальные растения СА на растения из OBLIVION.



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Project -OBLIVION-


Мод меняет оригинальные растения СА на растения из OBLIVION.



Выкладывали уже! :spiteful: (смотри ранние страницы) Мод хороший,только не советую на слабых машинах,тормоза будут, т.к. жрёт оч много ресурсов из-за большого кол-ва травы :spiteful: )))
My Nigga,You Can Do It To

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Скиньте пожалуйста мод со стильным реактивным ранцем куда-нибудь на файлообменник, а то у меня регистрации на том сайте нет, а при скачке пароль требует, мне ради одного мода регистериться неохота. Заранее спасибо.

ЗЫ Если что, ссылку в личку можете скинуть.

Изменено пользователем BlitzEN
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Ты хотел сказать светофоры? А чем тебя стандартные не устраивают?

Нет, именно семафоры. Где т я видел такой мод, тока не помню, где!!! :unknw:
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Наконец-то реализовалась бэта мода Things To Do In San Andreas 'Till You're Dead, deezire'a. Кому надоел обычный Сан,это Must Have.Здесь открыто многое из того, что R*** скрыло или убрали из PC версии. Есть скрытые миссии, немного изменены стандартные, подмиссии из других частей, безумия, приколы из ПС2 версии, новые звонки, диалоги (не фэйк, все озвучено :yahoo: ), даже пасхалки и много чего другого (читаем ниже :wink: )


update ( после установки меняем gta.dat на родной)TDISABETAUPDATE

Полный список всех фич






- Added several new loading screens from original R* artwork.

- Fully implemented Rusty Browns Ring Donuts as a store like the other fast food outlets. There is a

doughnut store in each of the major areas of San Andreas offering a variety of Rusty's deals. The

available meals are cheaper than the other fast food shops but are much higher in fat. Like the other

fast food stores, the doughnut stores are indicated on the radar and map with their own special icon -

you may even hear peds talking about visiting Rusty's! To support the fact that it's now a lot easier

to get fatter more quickly through eating doughnuts, there are a few more references to CJ's weight

to be found throughout the game.

- There are now several Adrenaline pickups scattered around San Andreas. As in other GTA games, these

allow you to perform feats of super strength in a slowed-down world for a short time.

- Added the 'Pizza Boy' missions as seen in Vice City and Liberty City Stories. Find a Pizza Boy bike

parked at a Well Stacked Pizza store in Los Santos to trigger the missions. You do NOT have to complete

these in order to get 100% game completion however they do provide a useful way to earn money whilst

improving your bike skills. The missions work exactly as they did in Vice City, and the number of

Pizzas you deliver also gets recorded in your stats.

- You now only get the Bloodring Banger cars in the Bloodring instead of random traffic vehicles. The

crowd sounds are now more varied in all of the arena games too.

- Added several Rampages around San Andreas - these are single player versions of the PS2 ones and can

be found in the same places. They work exactly as they did in previous GTA games, and your performance

in them will be included in your stats.

- Many significant tweaks to peds. There is now a much greater number of different peds throughout San

Andreas with a greater variety of appearance and behaviours - some even have several unique behavioural

characteristics. It is now possible to see every single ped from the game at some point, including more

than a dozen peds you have never seen before - gang members, cops, drunken bums, taxi drivers, pimps

and many others. Every ped now also has a complete voice set too (some did not have any).

- Added the '$50 Good Citizen Bonus' feature if you can find and kill an elusive 'psycho' ped - each

psycho killed will also increase your 'criminals wasted' stat.

- The food vendors at the various carts in San Andreas are now unique to their carts rather than being

the same generic one at each type of cart. Each one has unique voices too.

- The game is now uncensored, including the mini-games you can play when your girlfriend invites you

in for coffee. In addition, your girlfriend will gradually become less clothed as you progress through

the sequence and the bug where Michelle's appearance was corrupted in the sequence has been fixed.

- Added single player versions of the 2-player 'free roam' missions from the PS2 version. These can be

found in the same locations as on the PS2 and work in the same way, however instead of being able to

have a second player join in, you can now choose your partner from characters that are normally

non-playable in the game - progressing through the storyline missions will unlock more characters for

you to choose from, and the available characters are different depending on where you are in San

Andreas. Your girlfriends can also be taken on 'free roams' by picking up the two player icon from

outside their houses. Free roams only end when you get busted or when either you or your partner get

wasted, and the number of 'free roam' crime sprees you go on will also be recorded in your stats.

- The San Fierro Police Department building can now be entered like the others in the game and like

the others it also contains hidden weapons.

- The Ammu-Nation store in Los Santos is now on two floors as its external appearance suggests (the

interior was in the game but unused). This store also has the 'Shooting Range' mini-game (however like

the others, this cannot be played if you are on a mission).

- The motorcycle cops are now unique to their city (as originally designed) rather than being the same

generic one for the whole of San Andreas.

- There is now a full variety of strippers performing more varied dance routines when you pay for a

private lap dance in any of the strip clubs - by continually paying for private dances, it is now

possible to view all of the strippers in the game performing all of the dance routines in this manner.

- Enhancements have been made to the traffic around San Andreas - there is now a slightly increased

chance of each vehicle appearing in the game and an attempt has been made to ensure that each vehicle

is more likely to appear in an area it is more appropriate to, and some vehicles now have a wider

variety of colours. In addition, some of the cars in the game that hardly ever appeared (if at all)

may now be found amongst traffic. It is now possible to find and use every vehicle in the game through

the normal course of gameplay across the entire state of San Andreas, including some that you may

otherwise never get to see in the game.

- There is now less of a chance that parked vehicles will be locked however the chances of cars setting

off their alarms if you steal them have been increased slightly.

- The safe house interior in Vinewood is now the large one that its exterior and appearance suggests and

works correctly (the interior was in the game but unused).

- There are now two new tattoos available (these were in the game but unused).

- There are several more items of clothing available at the clothes stores, including t-shirts, trousers,

caps and more - these were all in the game but not used.

- A 'neutral' biker gang may now be found hanging out in certain countryside or desert locations at

weekends (although you can't fight them for turf as they dont 'own' any).

- The 'user tracks radio station' has been rebranded to 'Dopealicious FM' as seen on some billboards

around Los Santos.

- Added the 'Trash Dash' mission as seen in Liberty City Stories. When you are in a Trashmaster, you can

toggle the mission on or off in the usual way. You do NOT have to complete this in order to get 100%

game completion however it does provide a useful way to earn money whilst improving your driving

skills. The mission works exactly as in Liberty City Stories, and the amount of money you make also

gets recorded in your stats.

- The Safe House you can purchase in Blueberry is now a Motel Room as its external appearance suggests

(the interior was in the game but unused).

- The three Bomb Shops in the game now all work correctly and are indicated on the radar. There is one in

each city, and each one provides you with a different type of car bomb (engine start, timed, remote).

Each bomb placed onto a car from a Bomb Shop will increase your 'kg of explosives used' stat too.

- Triads now act as security in The Four Dragons Casino rather than the normal bouncers.

- The 24/7 stores around San Andreas now have a larger variety of interiors (twice as many as you would

normally see in the game) and now have supermarket style muzak playing in the background as well as

specific 24/7 shopkeepers. You can now also 'rob' the 24/7 stores by entering them and arming any gun

(or by entering them already armed with a gun). Money will appear next to the cash register, and the

number of 24/7's you rob in this manner will also be recorded in your stats.

- You can now do 'face plants' like in Liberty City Stories if you hit any kind of obstacle at speed

whilst on any bike and get knocked off it.

- The Leviathan helicopter now always has a magnet like it does in the 'Up, Up and Away!' mission.

- You no longer get a wanted level if you are armed when in a Police Station or if you enter a car

impound lot as long as you are wearing the Police uniform. However, if you kill or assault an officer

or steal a vehicle from an impound, the Police may still pursue you. The officers at Police impounds

are now traffic cops, and a glitch has been fixed that prevented them giving you the verbal warnings

and acknowledgments when you entered.

- The machine in the junk yard near Angel Pine can now be used like a car crusher/chop shop. By parking a

suitable vehicle in the marked area near the conveyor belt, the machine will crush and recycle it and

provide you with a cash value depending on the relative value of the vehicle, although damaged vehicles

will yield less money. The number of vehicles you 'recycle' in this manner also gets recorded in your


- The comments you hear on your performance when dancing are now much more varied and there are more of

them to be heard.

- Added the '$30 Taxi ride' feature as seen in other GTA games - if you are wasted or busted when on a

mission, a taxi may appear outside the police station/hospital (provided you are in a major city) which

you can enter and ride back to your mission start point for a $30 fare. If you have completed the 'Taxi

Driver' missions, this taxi ride will be free instead.

- Added the 'Cherry Poppers' distribution mission as seen in Vice City. When you are in a Mr Whoopee, you

can toggle the mission on or off in the usual way. You do NOT have to complete this in order to get

100% game completion however it does provide a useful way to earn money whilst improving your driving

skills. The mission works exactly as in Vice City, and the number of ice creams you sell also gets

recorded in your stats.

- Added the 'Car Salesman' missions as seen in Liberty City Stories. Early in the storyline, you will get

the opportunity to earn extra money as a car salesman at Coutt & Schutz autos by taking customers for

test drives and using your driving skills to make the sales. After completion of the last level, Coutt

& Schutz will generate sales commission as an asset for you. You do NOT have to complete this in order

to get 100% game completion however it does provide a useful way to earn money whilst improving your

driving skills. The mission works exactly as in Liberty City Stories, and the amount of money you make

from car sales also gets recorded in your stats.

- Added the 'SlashTV' mission as seen in Liberty City Stories. Enter the marker at a warehouse in the

Easter Basin docks in San Fierro on a Friday night whilst wearing a Hockey Mask to trigger the mission.

You do NOT have to complete this in order to get 100% game completion however it does provide a good

way to earn big money prizes - providing you can stay alive! The mission works exactly as in Liberty

City Stories, and the number of contestants you kill gets recorded in your stats.

- A Mohawk & Goatee hairstyle is now available from one of barber shops.

- In true R* style, I've added several Easter Eggs ;)







- You are now able to complete a Quadruple Insane Stunt properly (a bug in the game normally prevents

this from happening). In addition, it is now possible to complete 'perfect' insane stunts of any type

(earning double the money bonus) as in other GTA games.

- The game now correctly uses and refers to 'Los Sepulcros' as a specific area in Los Santos (it is

normally treated as part of 'Vinewood').

- Fixed a glitch where several peds did not have any voices (notably the Security Guard, the Pimp and the

Firemen amongst others).

- Slight tweak to the animation when attacking with the Golf Club and also when driving the Vortex (they

looked funky to me).

- The skill levels with the Combat Shotgun are now more progressive like other weapons.

- Fixed bug where the Jester car had the same Nitro mod listed for sale twice.

- Fixed Cesar's car license plate - it should read 'VLA4L' (Varrios Los Aztecas For Life) although it

normally says 'LVA4L'.

- News Vans now only come in one colour (this is to match the News Helicopters).

- Limousines in traffic may now be found in black as well as the normal white varieties.

- The game now records and displays your total number of wins at pool in your stats.

- You now hear comments about your performance during a lowrider contest like you do when dancing.

- The glitched/missing Pay N Spray in Las venturas (as seen on the PS2 version) has been re-enabled and

fixed. This now functions properly and is indicated on the radar like all the others.

- The Well Stacked Pizza Co branches in Palamino Creek and Montgomery and the barber shop in El Quebrados

are now indicated on the radar like the others.

- Like the clothes shops, tattoo parlours and gyms, each type of barber shop can now only be accessed as

you progress through the game and 'unlock' each city.

- The 'cash' counter no longer appears on screen during the 'Burglar' missions - this is useless until

you get back to the lockup with the swag anyways.

- The cane weapon can now be given to your girlfriends as a gift (useful if you like to be spanked by


- Fixed bug where the 'Strip club budget' stat was not changed when you paid $100 for a private dance.

- Corrected the Washington car that appears at Toreno's ranch - this is now the same one that Toreno uses

throughout the game and will not appear until you arrive at the ranch during the storyline.

- Corrected Catalina's car in Fern Ridge - this is now always the same one and will not appear until you

go to her hideout during the storyline.

- CJ will now 'warm down' when he has finished on the treadmill or bike in the gyms like he does after

using the weights or the benchpress.







- Many miscellaneous tweaks and enhancements have been made to all the missions in the game including

extended and additional action sequences and dialogue. The dialogue sequences in most missions have

been randomised so that they may be different each time the missions are played.

- There are now several more cellphone calls in the game that you would otherwise never get to hear

or receive. Several others have had some missing dialogue inserted too.

- Sweet now gets into the drivers seat before his car drives away in the 'Tagging Up Turf' mission.

- In the 'Nines And AK's' mission, you can no longer scroll through your weapons when shooting at the

bottles or the car - you must use the gun given to you by Emmet, who will now also make comments based

on how good or bad your shooting accuracy is. Killing Emmet or Smoke whilst in Emmet's yard will now

result in an audio sequence you would not otherwise hear in the game.

- In the 'Running Dog' mission you must now take Smoke back home after killing the Vagos gang member.

- As originally conceived, the 'Wrong Side Of The Tracks' mission now requires you to retrieve a package

that falls from the train when the Vagos Gang Members have been killed.

- In the 'Beach Party' mission, you won't know where to take the van with the sound system until OG Loc

tells you after you call him (this happens automatically during the mission once you've got away with

the van).

- In the 'High Stakes, Low Rider' mission, the cars in the race are now all lowriders - it seemed strange

to be told by Cesar that you had to have a lowrider to enter the race only to get there and find that

two of the racers were not lowriders!

- Added the missing 'Impounded' mission. After completing 'High Stakes, Low-Rider' you will get a

cellphone call from Cesar inviting you to his house and offering to tune-up your car. When you get

there your car gets towed and impounded at the Los Santos Police Station - you must retrieve your car.

Since this is a storyline mission, it must be completed in order to progress through the game and thus

gain 100% completion, and it provides an insight into how the impounds work which you would otherwise

not learn through 'normal' gameplay. Upon completion of this mission, all of the impounds in San

Andreas will be indicated on the radar and map with their own special icon and Cesars Garage will be

available as a basic lowrider mod shop.

- For consistency with the CRASH/Smoke elements of the storyline, the 'Gray Imports' mission now features

a Russian Mafia Boss rather than an arms dealer (this is as originally designed).

- The Sweet mission 'Doberman' has been renamed to 'All-Terrain Take Down'. This title seemed more

appropriate to the mission and is the name of a mission that was removed from the game (the original

'Doberman' mission was actually a CRASH mission that was also removed from the game).

- You can now only enter the Jefferson Motel after completing the 'Reuniting The Families' mission.

- In the 'Badlands' mission, the snitch you must kill is now the police officer from the 'Doberman'

mission who is threatening to expose Tenpenny.

- The 'Trucker' side missions are no longer unlocked by completing the 'Tanker Commander' mission - you

must now complete the 'Highjack' mission to unlock the 'Trucker' side missions instead.

- Claude 'Fido' Speed now correctly appears in the car instead of Wuzi in the 'Farewell My Love' mission.

- You must now have $20,000 in cash to pay The Truth for the weed before you can start the 'Are You Going

To San Fierro?' mission.

- In the 'Ran Fa Li' mission, you must now actually put the car into a garage instead of parking it

outside. The garage is the one that was supposed to be used so its location is now different meaning

that your pursuers have a better chance of getting you.

- In the 'Lure' mission, damage to the car will now correctly result in the doors falling off thus

enabling the pursuers to see inside as they are supposed to.

- In the 'T-Bone Mendez' mission, you must now take the packages to a garage near Pier 69 instead of the

Pleasure Domes.

- Added the missing 'Roadside Assistance' mission. This is now the third 'steal' mission for the Wang

Cars showroom asset and since this is a storyline mission it must be completed in order to progress

through the game and thus gain 100% completion. You must use a pickup truck to 'recover' (steal) a

Sultan car. After completing this mission, the Sultan will appear in the Wang Cars showroom like the

other cars you steal. Note that the Sultan no longer appears after completing the 'Test Drive'

mission - only the Elegy is unlocked for completing that one.

- The Jester car now correctly appears in the Wang Cars showroom after you complete the 'Customs Fast

Track' mission (normally, a Savanna appears there instead).

- The license plates on the cars from the 'Import/Export' missions are much more random and now include

all of the plates from the PS2 and PC versions.

- In the 'Highjack' mission, you must now take the tanker and truck to RS Haul in Whetstone instead of

the garage in Doherty to complete the mission, and doing so now unlocks the 'Trucker' side missions.

- Because the game is now uncensored, the 'Key To Her Heart' mission now requires you to excite Millie by

spanking her with a dildo - this special mini-game is only available during this mission in order to

complete it and because you have the dildo it is easier to complete than the normal sex mini-games.

- In the 'Beat Down On B Dup' mission, you get to take Big Bear to rehab if you have completed all of

the missions leading up to this one. Otherwise, Sweet will take Big Bear as normal leaving you to

complete any other remaining missions.

- In the 'Riot' mission, Sweets car no longer mysteriously appears in two places at the same time.

- All of these enhancements to the storyline, along with the additional dialog, action sequences and

cellphone calls, will together reveal a LOT more to the game than you have previously seen and heard!

In addition, they also serve to make the mod as a whole more appealing and playable since previous or

existing game-saves are not compatable with the mod installed.







- The 'Solarin Industries' building in San Fierro has been restored to 'Shady Industries' as in the

PS2 version (this has also been done to match the vans that have 'Shady Industries' on them).

- The 'Bog Standard' signs on the building in Temple (Los Santos) are now the right way up and the right

way round.

- The Bloodring and Sandking cars now have the correct logos on them instead of white squares where the

logos and decals should be.

- Emmet and Kendl now look the same in the game as they do in the cutscenes.

- In the 'Reuniting The Families' mission, the cop no longer changes uniform when he gets chopped up by

the helicopter rotor blades.

- Like other cars that can be customised, the Broadway now has three custom paint jobs (it normally only

has two).

- The Elegy, Flash, Uranus and Jester no longer gain strange white squares with their custom paint

jobs - the squares now correctly display their various decals instead.

- Added additional custom paintjobs for the Elegy and Jester, giving them four each instead of the normal

three - these were present in the game files but never used.

- The Sandking, Super GT, Uranus and Sadler now have correct specular lighting effects, as well as two of

the vehicle trailers in the game*.

- The DFT300 truck no longer has the sixth wheel missing from the rear and is now able to hold cars on

the back*.

- You can now jump into trams in San Fierro to hitch a ride (but you cannot drive them like the trains)

and the trams may now carry passengers (for visual effect only)*.

- Foglights that are purchased when customising cars now light up at night*.

- You can now go inside and view the interiors of the Journey caravan and the Tropic boat*.

- The Walton now has more variants (extra items in the rear)*.

- The Dodo now has correct specular lighting and is more varied in its colours*.

- Enabled the missing hood ornaments for the Slamvan - there are now two different hood ornaments that

may appear on the Slamvan which were in the game but unused*.

- The Remington may now be found in standard or convertible varieties*.

- Winning a 'Beat The Cock' challenge now earns you the 'Cock Head' hat*.







- The assistant at Rusty Browns is the Burger Shot assistant - unfortunately, there is no really suitable

character with appropriate voices in the game for an assistant at Rusty's unless somebody has a better


- Whilst a good attempt has been made to ensure that the motorcycle cops are unique to each city, the

generic one (LSPD) sometimes still appears in other areas and will be the only one that 'spawns' to

pursue you when you have a wanted level. Unfortunately, unlike the cops in cars, the game is hardcoded

to use just that one cop on the cop bike in normal circumstances and this hardcoding takes precedence

over the scripted coding. Note that for this BETA, the same motorbike cop will ALWAYS appear as this

feature is WIP.

- The game may hang and get stuck in an endless loop at various places. This has been traced to an

issue with save games being corrupted under certain conditions and should be fixed before the final


- The Trash Dash mission itself is complete however the trash cans you must collect are in placeholder

locations for testing purposes - these will be placed correctly in the final release.

- Currently, the mod only supports English language versions unless somebody wants to take the time to

translate the whole AMERICAN.GXT file from the mod? The mod will work on other languages, but you may

get errors and missing texts which will make some parts of the game un-playable.

- The Ambulance still has a texture bug after its rear door has been opened (part of the word AMBULANCE

is missing).

- No matter where you are in San Andreas, the Enforcer (SWAT van) still always says 'LSPD' on the side -

the texture needs amending so it says 'SAPD' instead.

- The Sanchez still has blank grey/white areas where it seems that some individual logo's should be.


Мои скрины



Pizza Boy


Free Roam (ходить с кем-то)


Car Salesman (Liberty City Stories)



Да,еще извините за длинный пост :pardon: , но мод того стоит. :wink:


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Хм надо будет поставить)


Вот Grim выпустил свой Weapon Pack Volume III :yahoo:


PS обожаю его оружие :good:

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Конечно не литературный перевод,но смысл понять можно


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3 вопроса:


1 как сделать так, чтоб тачки не исчезали?(может уже спрашивали)


2 как сделать так чтоб при врезании кого-то в кого-то оба останавливались и не уезжали, и чтоб в них потом не вдалбливались остальные(часто на спидвеях лас вентураса)


3 как увеличит кол-во машин на парковках особенно у "торгового центра" в северо-восточном ласвентурасе (я увеличил трафик, полно машин, людей, а на парковках прибавильсь только пару машин)

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1. За горизонт имеешь ввиду? Это наверное особенность игры... Ну не может двиг просчитывать движение каждой машины в SA...

3. Кажеться за размещение транспорта отвечает main.scm...

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1 ну чтоб оставил тачку, она так и строяла чтоб.

Всю карту переедишь, вернёшся, а она так и сторит.


3.Чем его редактировать

в main.sc есть строчка генерейт кар...


а ещё есть файл txdcut, за что он отвечает???

Изменено пользователем Kin der Boi
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Народ, подскажите как собрать модели машин в один установычный файл. Ну или хотя бы как сделать ggmm файл, чтоб тачка через прогу автоматически ставилась?
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Народ, подскажите как собрать модели машин в один установычный файл. Ну или хотя бы как сделать ggmm файл, чтоб тачка через прогу автоматически ставилась?

в ggmm по правому клику будет в том числе и пункт созлать ggmm архив
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