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Информация о -Anti-

  • День рождения 28.09.1991


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  1. привет Я не говорю по русски ;) Hey Avant, thanks for the semi. looks great. looking foward to you next vehicle Regarding your problem with the paintjobs: Cars that are classified as big in the model flags (value 8 for 1st digit of modelflags) cant be tuned. So you just need to change the handling line from this: LINERUN 9800.0 35953.2 5.0 0.0 -0.3 -0.5 90 0.80 0.95 0.27 5 140.0 42.9 350.0 R D 3.5 0.30 0 35.0 1.4 0.08 0.0 0.40 -0.15 0.5 0.0 0.65 0.25 35000 00112018 00003300 0 1 0 to this: LINERUN 9800.0 35953.2 5.0 0.0 -0.3 -0.5 90 0.80 0.95 0.27 5 140.0 42.9 350.0 R D 3.5 0.30 0 35.0 1.4 0.08 0.0 0.40 -0.15 0.5 0.0 0.65 0.25 35000 00112010 00003300 0 1 0 Cheers
  2. Hi Mad Driver, I hope it is ok if I write in English because I dont know any Russian. (I havent found any eglish speaking forum where you are active.) First of all a big thanks for all the awsome cars you are creating and converting. I know that this is a huge amount of work and I for sure dont take this for granted. So thanks a lot I really appreciate your work. Though I have one thing to criticize. I think the black parts of your cars are to black/dark in some cases. Some parts of your cars look like the have part made from Vantablack You can see that especially well when vehicle lightening/reflection is disabled. Although in reality the black plastic (and also metal) parts on cars are more greyish mostly I think. This looks grey for example. and your Porsche: http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/lgazddbilnc7.jpg completly black. I think these black parts on the outside should be more like the black parts in the interior (and the interior in some cars is too dark also; but that's just first world problems) or the shopping bag in your Civic (love that mod btw, totally awesome) http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/rrregrfo95p2.jpg and roof and door pillars http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/fzvtpu1cb1.jpghttp://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/2ruptgconeqi.jpg I think you get the idea. (Also notice the very dark Inetrior of your Dodge Stealth) To be fair with refelction it is not that bad but still way to dark: http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/ngdr1tiuea4j.jpg especially the pillars and gaps still look vantablack And this is just a black hole in the front of the car http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/dmmv1grt5tmw.jpg with reflection: http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/pdo3kw53h62b.jpg still kind of hard to see any outlines of the grille In general all of your cars are too black/dark in some parts. I tried to point out some of the most obvious ones. For comparision here you can see black plastic parts on schaeffts Avalanche (also with disabled refelction) http://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/gsaw4wgl2isn.jpghttp://www11.pic-upload.de/thumb/23.04.15/fauvq49k6cb.jpg Well I think you catch my drift and can see what I'm getting at. I hope you dont get this post the wrong way and see it as constructive critcism. Maybe you will consider taking that into account a bit more with your future works. But its your decision after all. Make your cars the way you like them most. :) Again, thx a lot for all these awesome cars. Greetings -Anti-
  3. Ok, thanks for the information. Sadly that there is no semi truck. A logger version is cool too though. (but please with cargo..) Well loking forward to release; good look with this project.
  4. Hi Klarninst, sorry that I cant speak russian, so I dont know wheter this question has been asked already. Are you going to make a version for Steven Spielbergs Duel? Or maybe evan the trailer for the truck too? In anyway its a great car like all of your trucks. Keep up work. And on other thing: I cant view most of the pictures in this Thread. There is an errror message from ImageShack.us [Hotlinking has been disabled for this domain...]
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