
Home / Files / GTA 5 / Scripts / Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0

Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0

Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0
Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0 Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0 Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0 Replace Hud & Blip Colours v2.0.0

Size: 33 KБ
Author: HKH191
Added by: Blackstyle
Home page:

The mod replaces the label and interface colors for all three characters, each character can have its own color customizable in the replaceCharacterHUDandBlipColors.ini file.

  1. Install the Script Hook V mod;
  2. Install the asi plugin Script Hook V .NET;
  3. Copy the files from the mod archive into the "scripts" folder, which is located in the folder with the installed game.
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