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SkyGFX v4.2b

SkyGFX v4.2b
SkyGFX v4.2b SkyGFX v4.2b SkyGFX v4.2b SkyGFX v4.2b

Size: 749 KB
Author: aap, The Hero
Added by: Blackstyle

SkyGfx brings the exact console atmosphere of graphics back to the PC.

  1. Install ASI Loader
  2. Place the skygfx.asi and INI files in the game folder
  3. SkyGfx will load skygfx1-9.ini; if they cannot be found, the plugin will default to skygfx.ini (F10 switches between them by default, but see INI settings)
  4. If you want to use the trial mobile colorcycle, place colorcycle.dat in the data folder
  5. You must use SilentPatch
  6. When using two-pass rendering in SilentPatch, turn it off (TwoPassRendering=0) if you use dualPassWorld=1 in SkyGfx (i.e., DO NOT enable dual-pass in both plugins). You can also disable Silent's NVC shader by setting NVCShader=0; SkyGfx has an improved replacement for it
  7. The plugin can be configured through the INI file, which also contains descriptions of many settings
  8. Since not all PC vehicles work well with PS2 reflections (which are too intense), it's recommended to use PS2 vehicles on PC.
  9. Use compact or HOODLUM EXE
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