New in GTA Online: The Return of Oscar Guzman, Eberhard Titan 250 D, and More
OPla G
yesterday 23:50

Not all of Tuesday’s content was exclusive to PC. The other platforms — PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One — also received the second half of the winter update, which brought a variety of new features to GTA Online.
More and more properties, previously seen in the story mode, are becoming available for players to own. The latest addition is the McKenzie Airfield in Grapeseed, known for Trevor’s arms smuggling operations. Oscar Guzman offers the opportunity to become a business partner. The asking price is 1,475,000 GTA$, with no extra modifications or upgrades for additional fees. For this sum, the new owner receives an additional 15 aircraft storage slots for the smuggler’s Hangar (purchased separately) and the ability to summon planes and helicopters to the runway northeast of Alamo Sea. Players will also gain access to a new series of missions, including five preps and a final heist where, for the first time, they will confront Eberhard Munitions — a multinational manufacturer of aircraft and munitions — and steal a combat version of the Titan. Interestingly, the developers introduced a small change to the game world for this storyline, which is also present in free mode. Additionally, there are four new arms smuggling missions, which can be launched from a laptop or by calling Oscar. These activities feature eight new platinum awards under the corresponding section in the pause menu. Moreover, the recently introduced Career Progress on PC (only in the Enhanced version) now includes a new set of tasks and exclusive rewards. A helicopter, two planes, and a sports car have been added to the already massive vehicle selection in the game:
More and more properties, previously seen in the story mode, are becoming available for players to own. The latest addition is the McKenzie Airfield in Grapeseed, known for Trevor’s arms smuggling operations. Oscar Guzman offers the opportunity to become a business partner. The asking price is 1,475,000 GTA$, with no extra modifications or upgrades for additional fees. For this sum, the new owner receives an additional 15 aircraft storage slots for the smuggler’s Hangar (purchased separately) and the ability to summon planes and helicopters to the runway northeast of Alamo Sea. Players will also gain access to a new series of missions, including five preps and a final heist where, for the first time, they will confront Eberhard Munitions — a multinational manufacturer of aircraft and munitions — and steal a combat version of the Titan. Interestingly, the developers introduced a small change to the game world for this storyline, which is also present in free mode. Additionally, there are four new arms smuggling missions, which can be launched from a laptop or by calling Oscar. These activities feature eight new platinum awards under the corresponding section in the pause menu. Moreover, the recently introduced Career Progress on PC (only in the Enhanced version) now includes a new set of tasks and exclusive rewards. A helicopter, two planes, and a sports car have been added to the already massive vehicle selection in the game:
- Buckingham DH-7 Iron Mule — 1,758,750 – 2,345,000 GTA$ on Warstock Cache & Carry,
- Eberhard Titan 250 D — 3,652,500 – 4,870,000 GTA$ on Warstock Cache & Carry,
- Western Duster 300-H — 765,000 – 1,020,000 GTA$ on Elitás Travel,
- Invetero Coquette D5 — 1,730,000 GTA$ on Legendary Motorsport.