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Rockstar Games Promotes the “Sequel” to Its Own Movie

For Rockstar Games, supporting creators close to them is a sacred duty. That’s why on Thursday, their social media featured a call to visit theaters for the movie titled Marching Powder (a slang term for cocaine).
The film is directed by Nick Love, with Danny Dyer in the lead role. The story takes place in the same world as their previous collaboration, The Football Factory (2004). However, despite Dyer playing the lead in both films, his character is different this time around. How is this related to R*? They were one of the companies involved in the production of The Football Factory.

The original cover of The Football Factory (2004). The cover of The Football Factory: Special Edition.

By the way, this week Danny Dyer visited British GQ, and one of the questions touched on his involvement in GTA: Vice City and GTA: San Andreas. In both games, he voiced the Englishman Kent Paul, a character active in the music business. The actor called it an amazing job and a highlight of his career. He mentioned earning 15,000 (presumably pounds sterling) for it.
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