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Issues at the Launch of GTA Online Enhanced

Any launch comes with its share of issues, and the release of GTA Online Enhanced on PC was no exception. Over the past week and a half, players have faced several problems, some of which have already been resolved.

The first difficulties arose when transferring multiplayer progress from the old version to the new one. Based on our own experience, migration now seems to be working successfully.

There are still possible delays in activating GTA+ — not only in the ten countries where the paid service is unavailable, but also in other regions. For example, a prepaid subscription in Poland only became active after a few hours. So, if you’re signing up, be prepared to wait.

The optional ability to disable text chat is an important feature. However, its complete absence is undoubtedly a drawback. Currently, it is known that the developers are working on a solution and have even left a relevant comment in the game’s code.

Text chat option not yet added to Gen9. Coming soon so just commenting out”.

One bug even turned out to be profitable for some players. The Karin S95 sports car, available for free to returning players migrating from Legacy to Enhanced, was mistakenly not free. Those who purchased it and contacted support received a refund. Today, the issue was fixed, and all affected players were compensated — some even receiving double the amount of GTA$ 1,995,000.

Another issue reported yesterday affects the single-player mode of the enhanced PC version of GTA 5. Currently, uploading videos from Rockstar Editor to YouTube is temporarily unavailable.
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