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How to Play GTA Online on PS4 and PS5 without PlayStation Plus?

OPla G
To access GTA Online on PS3, a paid subscription was not necessary. However, with the release of the next generation consoles, the business model changed — for multiplayer video games and modes on PS4 and PS5, PlayStation Plus is now required. But there are times when GTA Online is available to everyone without exception, even without a prepaid subscription. This happens in two cases.

The first is when Sony holds free multiplayer weekends, typically three days long (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), four times a year: in February (around Valentine’s Day, on the 14th), in June (on the anniversary of the launch of PS Plus), and in September and December.

The second case is when the developers remove subscription entry restrictions for GTA Online (example), allowing players to check out the latest DLC (which are released in the summer and in the first half of December).

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Playing with other players is rare without a PlayStation Plus subscription.

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