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GTA 4 Fusion FM Radio Host Passes Away

Today, it was reported that on Tuesday, March 4th, at the age of 84, Roy Ayers passed away. Known as the “Godfather of Neo-Soul” and the “Pioneer of Jazz-Funk”, he made a tremendous impact on culture over his 60-year career, releasing more than 30 studio albums.

Roy Ayers.

The artist also made a significant mark on the music of the Grand Theft Auto series. He served as the DJ for the Fusion FM radio station in GTA 4 and contributed several tracks to different installments of the franchise:
  • Roy Ayers Ubiquity — Running Away (Bounce FM in GTA: San Andreas)
  • Roy Ayers Ubiquity — Everybody Loves the Sunshine (VCFL in GTA: Vice City Stories)
  • RAMP — Daylight (The Vibe 98.8 in GTA 4)
  • Roy Ayers — Funk in the Hole (Fusion FM in GTA 4)
In the first two instances, developers credited Roy Ayers as the author, though both tracks actually belong to his band, Roy Ayers Ubiquity.
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