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Главная / Файлы / GTA: San Andreas / Машины / Aro M461

Aro M461

Aro M461
Марка: Other
Тип: Джипы и SUV
Заменяемая модель: Walton

Размер: 0.412 MB
Автор: PinIuli; converted by Chezy

The car uses HQLM V2 for lights Download HQLM Features: SA Lights SA Plates SA Damage Custom Col & Shadow Fully tuneable in TF Polycount: 16.747 with chassis_vlo, damaged parts & Dummies 13.261 without chassis_vlo, damaged parts & dummies (the main model) Thx to: PinIuli, for the great model and the permission piohh, for friendship, the handling and the great pictures schaefft, for friendship escandero, for friendship and everyone else I forgot.

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Помощь  Пошаговая инструкция по установке транспорта в GTA: San Andreas
Скачано раз: 1,057
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