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Главная / Файлы / GTA: San Andreas / Машины / Audi S5 2008

Audi S5 2008

Audi S5 2008
Марка: Audi
Модель: S5
Тип: Спорткары
Заменяемая модель: Elegy

Размер: 5.017 MB
Автор: Bone_G

Feauters: SA lights Very nice col and vlo Nice handling Realistic damage Wheel in the trunk as extra1 Antene as extra2 Eu plates And more! I want to say thanks: firestone for the Europe plate and friendship MitakoBG for his ideas and friendship You can't convert, edit or modify this mod without my premission ask me before!

Use IMGTool

Помощь  Пошаговая инструкция по установке транспорта в GTA: San Andreas
Скачано раз: 867
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